A tattoo is an injury to the skin. High-quality colours, hygienic work, care and good advice are the hallmarks of reputable tattoo studios. But how can you find a tattoo artist who meets all your requirements? It is simple – ask and see!

A clarification on the reputation of tattoo studios

The profession of a tattoo artist is not regulated by law, at least not in Germany. There is not fixed training or degree courses. Most tattooists learn their craft from colleagues. They see themselves as artists who learn from experienced people through observation and close collaboration. This is why there is no point in asking for diplomas, master’s certificates, academic titles or completed vocational training. Not even a school-leaving certificate is required. However, nowadays many tattoo studios offer courses that extend over weekends or even longer periods of time. Confirmations of attendance and certificates of completion for such courses are therefore available.

Who knows what?

Certificates of attendance are not enough to really judge a tattoo artist or a tattoo studio. You can get a better impression by asking around among your friends and acquaintances. There are sure to be some people who will be happy to tell you about their experiences with their tattoo artists. A good reputation of a tattoo studio precedes it. It is known among tattooed people, mentioned in relevant magazines and represented at trade fairs and exhibitions. Good work, neatly and aesthetically executed, gets around!

Just pop into the tattoo studio

Once you have caught the bug and found a tattoo studio that seems trustworthy, check it out. There is usually a visitor area where magazines are on display. This gives you a first impression. How do they greet you? Are you welcome as a potential customer? Or are you simply left in a corner with a pile of catalogues? What is the atmosphere like? Are you asked about your wishes, your concerns or your possible motifs? What is the studio like?

In many cases, there are not only certificates from past courses and training sessions on the walls, but also photos of the best works. Do you like the style of the tattoos? Some studios specialize in one style, whereas others see themselves more as a kind of intermediary agency between the various freelance tattoo artists and their customers.


References, exhibitions and social media

References include everything that a tattoo studio has to show. The spectrum ranges from thank-you notices from more or less prominent customers to awards that the studio has won for artistic achievements or other things. Notice that customer reviews on the internet are not enough! It is not easy to say what is fake and what is real. This applies both to reviews on Google and to testimonials that studios may post on their own websites.

Visit tattoo conventions

As mentioned before, tattoo conventions such as Tattoocon are a kind of trade fair or expo for tattoo artists, tattooists, their customers and all interested parties. In addition to small local events, there are large international trade fairs and conventions with five-digit visitor numbers. In the case of tattoo studios, on the one hand, they are an advertising platform, and, on the other hand, a place to get inspiration and network within the industry. No tattoo studio can be represented at all tattoo conventions, but regular participation in at least some events is always a good sign.

Art wants to be on display!

Twenty years ago, it was common practice for tattoo studios to photograph their best works and display their photos in their shop windows. This is still the case today, although it is not enough. Nowadays, artists also compete with each other on the internet, which is why both individual tattoo artists and studios maintain their own social media channels. It does not have to be a live session on YouTube – an aesthetically designed shop window on Instagram also says a lot. Just ask – you are sure to get a card with a list of all social media channels at the studio!

Your tattoo in 3 steps

1. consultation
In your first consultation you will receive personalized information on your tattoo. Contact us on our email address or superchat (bottom right symbol).
2. Make an appointment
Make an appointment.
3. Getting a tattoo / Having a tattoo done
Your tattoo dream will be carried out in a relaxed atmosphere.

Keep an eye on hygiene in the tattoo studio!

If you are already in the studio anyway, take a closer look around. Perhaps you can also have someone show you the rooms where stitches are done. The reception area will also give you a good idea of the circumstances, since it is not certain whether you will even be allowed in. Many studios still have an old-school look. Tattoo photos hang on the walls, you can just walk in, rock music or harder sounds echo through the rooms. A coffee machine is probably gurgling and hissing away somewhere, and there might be other tattooed people around. That is inviting.

Modern studios appear clean

Alternatively, another type of tattoo studio that has recently emerged is absolutely stylish and clean. You cannot even get your foot in the door without an appointment. Studios of this sort are furnished in a minimalist style, look almost impersonal and you can forget about rock music and the smell of coffee. Nevertheless, that does not have to be a bad thing, as what really matters is how clean the studio is, and music has little to do with it. A tattoo studio where you cannot just walk around has less foot traffic and is, therefore, easier to keep clean. The catch is that you cannot find out without making an appointment.

The most important points

Ideally, treatment rooms are separated from the entrance area. If you are lucky enough to be able to view such a room, please notice:

  • Tattooists wear disposable gloves when working.
  • Needles must be in sterile packaging and may only be left lying around in this packaging.
  • Couches must be disinfected regularly.
  • Machines and appliances are hygienically packaged in plastic.
  • Animals and visitors have no place in the studio treatment rooms, at least while treatment is in progress.
  • Ideally (due to COVID-19), you should work wearing a face mask.

Whether only one person is tattooed in a room at a time or whether several treatment chairs or couches are combined in one room is a question of personal preference and has nothing to do with hygiene.

Professional work – advice, education and aftercare

Tattoo artists are artists indeed. However, just getting a tattoo is not enough. Before you make an appointment to have your tattoo done, get to know the artist. Let them show you their work and explain everything to you in detail. A detailed discussion of your desired motif should be a matter of course. Your consultation must also involve informing you about possible risks. You will be told how to behave before and after having your tattoo done, what to bear in mind regarding sleep, alcohol consumption, sport and swimming pool visits.

Seek conversation!

In addition, a reputable tattoo artist will explain everything you need to know about aftercare. Looking after your tattoo is just as much a topic as the pain associated with it. Professional tattoo artists do not get impatient, but are happy to answer your questions in detail, or they may explain everything to you before you even ask.

Do not feel embarrassed to ask questions. A tattoo artist’s daily work is not just about doing tattoos. Other activities make up a much larger part of it. For example, cleaning and disinfecting tools and equipment is just as much a part of his job as drawing and redrawing designs in collaboration with customers. In the same way, conversations are important too, since every tattoo is an injury. Colours are injected under the skin with needles, which requires skill, experience and concentration. As far as you are concerned, you also need to be concentrated, because you have to endure pain and keep still, and this is not possible without trust, which is built up in your discussions beforehand.

Minimize risks through good aftercare

Your skin is perforated where the tattoo is located. A needle is used to apply ink under the skin. This is why a tattoo may bleed. If the tattoo studio works cleanly, your skin will be disinfected and no infection will occur. Nevertheless, the skin in this area will still be irritated for a while and may become inflamed. Colour pigments are foreign substances that your body wants to get rid of, at least partially. Therefore, it is normal for your tattoo to bleed during the healing process, which means that you will also see colour on any bandage that is applied. Your tattoo artist will explain all this to you. If you are unsure or have any questions, simply contact your tattoo artist!

Tattoo aftercare means accelerating wound healing. Wounds should be kept clean and the regrowing skin should be supple so that the tissue will not scar. This is because scarring detracts from a tattoo appearance. A good tattoo studio will look at the engraved design after a few days and then again after a few weeks. Sometimes the pigments under the skin shift during the healing process. In this case, touch-ups can be made. All this must be included in the cost of a tattoo and should not be explained on request!


Conclusion: a careful preparation is everything!

A tattoo is a decision for the rest of your life. Take your time, do not make it on the spur of the moment, and, above all, do not just look at the price. Pay attention to whether the studio takes care of you and provides you with comprehensive support. References, a business licence and other formalities will help you assess the studio.